"Our Game Plan"

1. Reconciling People to Christ (Thursday Evening Encounter/ Sunday Morning Worship Experience)

2. Setting the Captives Free (Through Prayer/Worship/ in home Bible Fellowship and the Power of the Holy Spirit)

3. Making Disciples of all Nations- Discipleship and Training (Having people learn who they are in Christ through the preaching and teaching of the unadulterated Word of God)

4. Going into all the World to be Christ Witness (Evangelism, Outreach, Missions, Planting)

5. Being a "Bridge" to Unify the community and Church (Community Connection in all ways)

"We want people to invite jesus into their lives, so he can tear down who they used to be and build them up into who they were meant to be" 

~ Pastor Kenny Ford


There is a sound that the Lord wants to release into the earth! Before the Lord does anything major in the earth He starts with a sound. The sound that I believe the Lord wants to release in this season is a spiritual "Roar". A roar symbolizes and means many things.  One of the major things a lions roar is designed to do is tell "other lions" where they are, so that those who belong to the pride can make their way home.  There is a ROAR that is being released in the Spirit (I believe you hear it now) as God is letting out a ROAR and His Children shall come trembling from the west.  (Hosea 11:10)  It's time to come home! Roar Judah Roar!